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Check Lists


Interested in what fish are swimming in Defiance Lake or at the Dam? How about the dragonflies or damselflies that zip past snapping up insects? Click on the lists below to see what species live at the Park. If you spot something that isn't included on the list, let us know! You can send an email (with a photo if possible) to the Volo Bog office at or call us at 815-385-1624 (Moraine Hills S.P.) or 815-344-1294 (Volo Bog office). Thank you!


Please note that lists for birds, native garden plot plants, trees/shrubs, reptiles/amphibians, mammals, and butterflies and  are currently being modified. Staff and volunteers will be documenting species that are presently found in Moraine Hills State Park. Anyone can help by keeping a personal checklist, and by advising us of their observations. If you see an unusual or exciting species and would like to let us know, please make note of the date and location of sightings. You can send an email (with a photo if possible) to the Volo Bog office at or call us at 815-385-1624 (Moraine Hills S.P.) or 815-344-1294 (Volo Bog office). Thank you!


Dragonflies and Damselflies

Fish Species at McHenry Dam

Fish Species in Defiance Lake

Woodland and Savannah Wildflowers

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