The Friends of Moraine Hills State Park
Who are The Friends of Moraine Hills State Park?
We are people dedicated to the preservation of Moraine Hills State Park by promoting citizen awareness of the local natural heritage through park programs and special events.
Sponsoring special events and programs is the fun part for us. Annual events such as International Migratory Bird Day, Family Fishing Day, the Moraine Hills Photo Contest, and Introduction to Archery are for all to enjoy. Our biggest event and fund raiser is the annual “Run for the Hills” race, a 5K, 10K and half marathon that courses through the Park's beautiful scenery. In addition, The Friends host an annual summer picnic for our members.
We started the organization in 2007 and have been enhancing aspects of the Park one goal at a time ever since.
Our newsletter is published four times a year and outlines the activities and accomplishments that occur throughout the year.
Please note, that to be a “Friend” does not mean that you have to volunteer, but our volunteering opportunities are both fun and rewarding!
A park always needs more Friends. Each year, Moraine Hills State Park and McHenry Dam hosts over 700,000 visitors. If only 1% became members, we’d have 7,000 members! Please consider joining us. A Friend of the park can simply give a monetary donation, or have fun while helping (and enjoying!) one of our events. A bonus for members is a 10% discount on gifts in the Tamarack Shop located at the Volo Bog State Natural Area about 7 miles away.
To find out what's happening in the Park, click on the "Calendar,Events and Programs" page. A printable membership application can be found by clicking here.
The Friends board does have some positions open. If you are interested in serving, please contact us by emailing FriendsofMoraineHills@gmail.com .
Board meetings are held (usually) on the third Thursday of the month, January through October. They are open to the public and held at Volo Bog State Natural Area. A Zoom link is avialable. All paid members are welcome. For Zoom link, email dnr.volobog@illinois.gov .
Contributions to our 501(c)(3) organization may be tax-deductible. Please consult a tax advisor.