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Look for the Latest Park Improvements!

Work has been completed for the Osprey Meadows Viewing Area!

This new enhancement to the park is waiting for you to enjoy, and can be found along the Lake Defiance Trail at the Oak Opening trail spur junction. Near the top of the hill from the Oak Opening parking lot, you can get a sweeping view of the lake, a gorgeous prairie, and the osprey platform. Take in the view, and find out about our resident ospreys from the beautiful interpretive panels. Please make a comment and/or "like" on our Facebook page. The Friends of Moraine Hills State Park extend a big "Thank you!" to our donors who helped us make this possible: Mr. Harold Guenther, the Community Foundation for McHenry County, Illinois Department of Natural Resources (site preparations and benches) and the McHenry County Audubon Society.

Osprey Meadow Flyer for FOMHSP Website.j

Our Nature Center has had a makeover.

Newly installed LED lighting brightens the exhibits while conserving energy. In addition, the 1990's green carpeting has been replaced by vinyl planking that reveals a natural wood look. A BIG thanks to the Friends for helping finance these much needed improvements.

Both Moraine Hills State Park and McHenry Dam will be an even better place to view wildlife! 

Thanks to the McHenry County Community Foundation, who awarded the Friends of Moraine Hills State Park with a $7,000 grant. This substantially funded the purchase and installation of a dual wildlife viewing station at the dam. Great for viewing birds!

Dual Wildlife viewers at McHenry dam ins

Two more osprey nesting platforms have been installed.

Through the cooperative efforts of Moraine Hills staff, the IDNR Heritage Biologist, and Commonwealth Edison, opsreys have two more nesting platforms. One is at the south end of the McHenry Dam loop trail. The other is at the west end of Lake Defiance, opposite the platform already in use by these magnificent birds on the eastern shore.

2019 Osprey Project with ComEd.jpg

Keep your eyes peeled for some top notch wildlife sightings while you visit your beautiful parks.

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